Friday, June 18, 2010

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Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
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When Internet Marketing Gurus Sell Their Souls by maverickmoneymakersbonuses
in Internet (submitted 2010-06-18)

Copyright © 2006 Gobala Krishnan

If you're just getting started in Internet Marketing, you may be awed by the amount of "Internet Gurus" out there, all making millions of dollars (or so they claim) and for some reason seem more than willing, for a fee, to teach you their biggest, most intimate secrets.

I believe in one thing - If it sounds too good to be true, it most probably is!

While I have no doubt on the specialized skills and techniques used by these gurus, it can get way too frustrating simply getting into all their hype, and find almost no value at the end of the day. Hype - that's one thing I agree these guru's are really good at. For some of them, unfortunately, hype is the only thing they're good at.

So the question, for those who are trying to master Internet Marketing, might be:

1) Can I learn anything from these gurus without paying money? 2) Who is real and who is not? 3) Whose methods should I follow?

Can You Learn Something for Free?

Most guru's have opt-in newsletters on specialized subjects like website marketing, Pay-Per-Click, search engine optimization or whatever specialized skill they have "mastered". Almost all of them ask you to subscribe to their newsltetter in return for some kind of "breakthrough" report, and promise to deliver "valuable information" weekly or monthly to your email address. Sound great.

Here's what happens 2 weeks later - You realize that the "breakthrough report" is the same old regurgitated information which you can find almost anywhere. You might also relize that the "valuable information" never comes in full, without any hidden agenda. The "valuable information" is actually a soft-selling (sometimes even blatant advertisements) ad for the guru's products, or even worse, some other Internet marketer's products.

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I'm not trying to shoot down any marketer here, but the irony is in their teaching. Almost all internet gurus would advice you to offer valuable, free information that benefits other people. Profits, as they say, is secondary to actually helping people and making a difference in their lives. What a load of BS. How come they don't practise what they preach? Of is that how the Internet Marketing Game is played?

Fortunately, not all guru's are the same. There are still some jewels to be found, and they offer some great information in their newsletters, such as:

1) Vishal Rao: talks about home based businesses. 2) Mike Cheney: talks about building an effective and efficient business web site. 3) Jill Whalen: talks about Search Engine Optimization.

Of course there are more out there, but it is not necessary to subscribe to every Internet Marketing newsletter just to hope for nuggets of gold that may never come. Instead, give the guru a "trial" month, and if you don't find anything of value from them, just unsubscribe. It will only be a loss to them, not you.

Who's Real and Who's Not?

To answer this question, you really have to "get around" the Internet a lot. Go to forums where you will definately find topics on info-products offered by these gurus, and see what others are saying about them. Forget about all those blaring testimonials that the guru's compile on their site. Forums are where the real testimonials are. You may also want to consider this site:

GuruDaq :

Taking on a Nasdaq-like approach, this site lists all gurus according to ratings and 'stock price'. Although I would advice to take it more as an entertainment that actual recommendations, perhaps this site will allow you to get a glimpse of "who's who" in Internet Marketing.

Whose methods should I follow?

Honestly, nobody's. At least not word-for-word of what is thought in their newsletters or ebooks. The important thing to realize is that you need to develop your own technique to be really successful. The guru's don't teach you everything, anyway. They almost always feed you the crop but keep the cream for themselves. In other words, no one really tells you the "hot money-making secrets", especially those guru's that have sold their soul a long time ago.

Its really up to you to learn some tips and tricks of the trade from them, but set out on your own course. In order to be successful in anything, you need to do your own thing. Be original in you approach, whether it's writing sales letters, doing email marketing, pay-per-click or search engine optimization.

Don't look to someone who has sold their soul to lead you to the path of success. That's wishful thinking.


About the Author

Hi there - i am manish shah from India and am into blogging in a big way. I am a keen follower of search engine optimization.

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